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Posts posted by PaulForseth

  1. I have recently had a terrible bout of malware.  Upon the recommendation from some websites, I installed Malwarebytes.  It found several issues, and I have cleaned things out, so I don't believe I have any malware left.


    Pretty frequently, I see a toaster popup saying "Successfully blocked access to a potentially  malicious website:".  The type is "outgoing", the port "30088", and the process is explorer.exe".


    Is something still infected?  Why would explorer.exe be going to that website?


    Second issue -- I can no longer, via explorer.exe, unzip files.  There is something wrong with it, but I don't know what, but when I try to unzip files, it goes through the motions, but never unzips everything.


    Third issue -- I cannot download files from the internet via the web browser.  Each time, no matter what I download, it states the file being downloaded has a virus, and will delete it


    Fourth issue -- I have not been able to connect to my machine from other machines in my home network anymore, and I don't know why.  I don't know when it stopped working, but somewhere around the time of this whole malware fiasco.

    What can I do?


    Thanks in advance.



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