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  1. Hi, Dang. The worst part is that all my other computers have the same similar issues with updating service packs and they are Win XP, and Win 7. I don't know how MS is letting this happen but I remember calling about my new Win 7 computer, (when it was new.) and they made me do this step. I think there was a place to download a slipstream .iso that the microsoft rep told me about but can't remember where that was now. It has some of the service packs on it already. Do you know the website? Ya I reinstall the OS and then go straight to updates and the stupid service packs never seem to install like they should. If I were paranoid I would say something is wrong with my ISP or whatever. Anyway, I'll need to do these steps on a day off so it will be a bit before I get to this. Thanks for the help
  2. Hi, Ok, I've redone the test with new memory in there and it passed. I then went to windows and did SFC /scannow and it found corrupted files and said it would fix them on the next restart so I did restart. Then it went through an update process like always and restarted. I ran the test again and it found them again, like always.
  3. Hi, sorry for that delay. I will perform this test today. I have a replacement mem stick now and will use it after the testing. Thanks again.
  4. Hi, I ran it overnight and got 8 passes and 1 bad at e07d7f1f with error bits 04000000. I also noticed that weird sound from time to time before I restarted to Windows. Thanks
  5. Hi, Ok ill do this ASAP. One new thing that is happening now that never did before is this. I hear a weird digital buzzing noise from time to time in the last few days and it can happen when I watch a video or if the computer is idle and should be doing nothing at all. I also had the video sounds start to go mute once in a while when I go to full screen on a video on youtube or hulu or something like that. This is also new to me. I have had the time max out like the video should be done playing and it continues to play for a long while before but nothing with the sound ever before. I don't know what could be causing all this but thought you should know. Thanks again.
  6. I should have thought of that... Sorry. Ok, so 4 or so files from around april of 2013 needed admin to copy and the others didn't so not sure why. Anyway, hope this worked. Thanks temp.zip
  7. Hi, It says I don't have permission to upload this type of file. Do I need to do something first? There are prob over 50 files there. Do you want the newest ten or a random few?
  8. HI, Here is what I did after... 1. BSOD again so I unplugged the computer and cleared the power by pressing the power button for 20sec. 2. Removed the wireless receiver and plugged in the cords for the new ones. 3. started up again and it stopped short of windows with a DOS screen that flashed saying something about devices and restarted itself again. 4. In Windows I ran a sfc /scannow with the new keyboard and mouse. It found corrupt files and said they would be fixed next restart. 5. Restarted 6. A screen like the ones you see when windows updates comes up (it does everytime.) and says steps 2 of 3 or something. (Is this running system restore and backup and restore center? More on that next.) 7. Go to start to run the command prompt and see "system restore" and "backup and restore center" icons there now. They weren't there before the shutdown. 8. ran sfc /scan now 9. BSOD before it ended. 10. posted this. Thanks
  9. Hi, Hard Drive passed. Then tried to run chkdsk /f through startup repair. I couldn't get the computer to boot from the restore disk. Last time I kept pulling the power cord out over and over until it did but this time it just didn't go. I went into bios and made sure it was set to use the cdrom first and then I went to the boot options by pressing f10 and chose between my hard drive and the cdrom drive. I did this several times and chose both to make sure. I think whatever is preventing this from working right is the same issue for the rest. Anyway, I did go into windows and right click on my drive and then went to properties, tools, check drive and checked both boxes, then restarted and it did chkdsk for a long time and it seemed to work fine. Then I went into windows and ran a SFC/scannow and it still finds corrupt files and says it will fix them but never does. They are always there
  10. New BSOD for win32k.sys (if I read it right.) and another for an encrypted file that I couldn't read. I was able to get rid of the warning for usb by just restarting the computer and not shutting off the systray icon for the usb devices. The win32k.sys BSOD made my computer not start up anymore and I had to use startup repair to fix it.
  11. Hi, I tried to run it several times and it can't fix the issue. I also tried to send information about my problem to MS but it would always give me an error and a retry button. It wouldn't send the information for some reason.
  12. My computer has many types of memory slots so maybe its those? IDK Sorry for the separate posts
  13. I plugged in a memory stick and it's still there too. Thanks
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