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Posts posted by ALT

  1. I just did a scan on my main computer after having update Malwarebytes and with Wallpaper installed, and no infection was detected this time! I expect it will be the same on my other computers. Thank you Fatdcuk for having fixed this problem in a so short time!


  2. Hello Fatdcuk,

    thank you very much for your so quick help, I was afraid that my report would be lost among hundreds of others, since I imagine that you may be very busy sometimes on this forum!

    Here is the zip copy of the file wallpaper.exe (I hope I have done the zip process correctly!). I have used this file for many years to install Wallpaper on my successive computers. When I do a scan on this specific file, Malwarebytes does not detect any infection. When I do a whole scan of my computer after having deleted the quarantined infected component detected in Malwarebytes and after having uninstalled Wallpaper, but with the wallpaper.exe file still in my computer, Malwarebytes does not detect any infection. It is just when I install Wallpaper that Malwarebytes tells me that they are infected, it is very recent. Can it be caused by a recent update that makes Malwarebytes too "aggressive" so that it creates false positives now? Thank you very much again for your assistance.



  3. Thank you very much DarkSnakeKobra...I did not expect a reply so soon! Concerning the report, is it appropriate to report a false positive even if I am not sure it is one (I strongly hope that it is a false positive however)? But if reporting is the normal procedure so that people of Malwarebytes investigate the problem, i will certainly do this report (sorry, I am new in this forum). Thank you again for your time.


  4. Sorry, I have forgotten to mention that this incident has happened simultaneously on my 3 computers (1 with Windows XP, 1 with Windows Vista and 1 with Windows 7), on which I have Wallpaper since several years and on which I regularly run scans with Malwarebytes, without any problem...until today. Thank you again for your help.

  5. Hello,

    I ran a scan with Malwarebytes today, as I do at least once a week, and it toldme that my computer was infected with a backdoor.agent associated with Wallpaper. I use Wallpaper since many years and I run scans with Malwarebytes since many years too, and I have never had any problem. Is it possible that an update of Malwarebytes is responsible for it considering Wallpaper as a source of infection? I have attached the last logs that show the infected files. Thank you in advance for your advice.

    Malwarebytes log.pdf

    mbam-log-2012-10-05 (16-47-02).txt

    mbam-log-2012-10-05 (18-10-01).txt

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