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Posts posted by hedera

  1. Before I run the fix, I have some comments on the instructions in the blog post about push notifications.  To begin with you've convinced me to turn them off generally.

    For the first option, turning off notifications for Edge, the blog suggests Start button > Settings > System > Notifications and actions, and says turn off Microsoft Edge in the list of senders.  It's not there.  I've turned off a couple of other options I can live without, but Edge isn't listed.

    For the second option, turning notifications off in Edge, the blog suggests the 3-dot link > Settings > View Advanced Settings.  On my current Edge browser there is no View Advanced Settings.  


  2. Before I run the fix, I have some comments on the instructions in the blog post about push notifications.  To begin with you've convinced me to turn them off generally.

    For the first option, turning off notifications for Edge, the blog suggests Start button > Settings > System > Notifications and actions, and says turn off Microsoft Edge in the list of senders.  It's not there.  I've turned off a couple of other options I can live without, but Edge isn't listed.

    For the second option, turning notifications off in Edge, the blog suggests the 3-dot link > Settings > View Advanced Settings.  On my current Edge browser there is no View Advanced Settings.  


  3. OK, here are the 2 new logs.  I sure hope you can find something, because something on this system is calling those stupid things.  I know this because I deleted them, briefly, and while they were gone, instead of getting the error messages I posted, I got error messages from Windows Script Host saying it couldn't find the files.  At roughly the same intervals.  I restored them after a short period of that.

    FRST.txt Addition.txt

  4. I have Malwarebytes Premium 4.3.0 running on an ASUS Vivobook, under Windows 10.  For some reason this morning every 10 minutes or so I get 2 errors pop up.  I've attached a screenshot.  I never use the folder they're in, c:\Users\Public.  I didn't create them.  Properties says they were created 2 days ago (on March 15), but they're being modified today.

    When I edited one I saw that it seems to be related to Malwarebytes.  What are these things?  Frankly I'd like to delete them, especially since my cloud backup is handled by a paid BackBlaze subscription.  Can anyone explain this? 


  5. The post above was written in June 2020 with the statement that a fix was in the works.  From June through October, we continued to use Malwarebytes on my desktop, my husband's desktop, and my laptop (all Windows 10), with no networking problems.  The desktops are both on Ethernet, the laptop is on wifi.  We regularly install Malwarebytes updates including the one in October (?). 

    In early November, I bought a new laptop and began to build it, after transferring my data, and we've had hell's own time getting to it on the network ever since.  It would vanish off the network and we'd have to reboot the desktops to get to it.  Having read the thread above, we decided to try turning off web protection on all the boxes, and the network problem went away.  My thought is, surely we shouldn't have had the problem, or been able to fix it that way, if Malwarebytes had provided the fix promised in June.  Also, we found by experiment that after turning web protection off, we could turn it back on, and the network would continue to work correctly.  Since I use GoodSync to synchronize a collection of folders between my desktop and the laptop, easy network access to the latter is critical. 

    Can somebody tell me if this network/firewall problem has been fixed, and if not, when it will be fixed?  We're happy that we can now use our network, but we're very confused.  We aren't having any problems with Windows Defender, or at least I'm not.  I'm not sure what my husband uses.

  6. Thanks for the response and for forwarding the issue on.  I have an open ticket, 2342796 , but the email that replied is from a "noreply" account.  I just tried to reply to it and got a blank email addressed to this:

    Malwarebytes <reply-fe8a16717d620c7a70-159101_HTML-302151667-6356537-4@reply.malwarebytes.com>

    Would that actually work?  I'll try the support@malwarebytes.com address, but why isn't that on the <expletive deleted> support page?? 

    The previous post from the bot, telling me to go look at the page on which I'm reporting a problem, is particularly annoying.

  7. I run Malwarebytes 3.5.x on three systems.  I'm having a billing dispute with Malwarebytes over exactly what I run and whether I have a lifetime license or a subscription.  In the middle of the conversation, the Support page quit displaying the "Contact us" form which is the ONLY way to communicate with Malwarebytes support.  I tried sending an email to webmaster@malwarebytes.com and it bounced, which means the domain is out of compliance with RFC 2142.  The form doesn't display in either Chrome or FireFox.  I attach a screenshot.mb3_form_issue.thumb.PNG.20a1268ec71a442d2e6257214a31d9da.PNG

    Show Details displays this:

    Unable to retrieve spec for https://malwarebytes.grazconnect.com/ZendeskConnectorTile/view.html?features=responsive,tile,core-v3&ts=1504252160140&syn_app=s5obk&ref_s5obk=tileInstance:1249. HTTP error 504

    Can someone here get through to them?

  8. I did the test we discussed, turning off WinPatrol before running the installer. Didn't help, I still got the install errors.  I don't know if this will help, but I used mb-clean.exe to remove the dead version, so I'm attaching the log below.  I've been told in a non-Malwarebytes forum that this is some kind of bug in Win7 and I ought to upgrade to Win10.  Which I will, someday, but not this week.  My immediate problem is solved, I'm now running, and everything looks good.  Using MBClean even saved my license info!


  9. Thanks very much for the download link.

    Thanks also for the troubleshooting information.  Since I just had to download the support tool for another problem (?!), I tried the install.  It failed as I predicted.  FYI, I get a message during install, Could not delete service.  The installer said it had completed, but when I clicked on "Start", I got another message, Unable to connect the service, which I get every time I try to open the new install.  My control panel says version is installed, but I'll have to uninstall it and install from a fresh download.  On an earlier occasion like this, I have checked the status of the service, and by the time the installer is done the service is Disabled - I can't restart it and I can't delete it.  I ran the Malwarebytes Support Tool and attach the logs it has gathered.  I hope they make sense to you.  I'm going to uninstall and reinstall the new version.


  10. I'm back from my family trip and now have time to work on this issue.  I attach the log collection gathered by the Support Tool, thanks for the link to that.  Per your very comprehensive advice I've also removed the archives from the scan configuration, but left the rootkit check in because I'm paranoid (which is probably why I have the cleanest computer you'll ever see).  I only ever run threat scans.

    I learned some new things, reviewing my daily logs.  For no reason I can grok, the daily threat scan since March 28 (when I shut the scan down at 7 hours 9 minutes opened this question) has taken anywhere from 18 minutes (on March 30) to 4 hours 48 minutes (on March 29).   After the 18 minute run, daily times increased slowly to 29 minutes (April 2), and then ran 4 hours 22 minutes (April 3), followed by 3 days where the run never exceeded 25 minutes.  This makes no sense to me, maybe it will to you.


  11. I just got a message from Malwarebytes that a new upgrade is available and do I want to install.  In fact, I don't, because my Win7 system doesn't handle Malwarebytes' installer very well.  I always have to download the installer and do a manual install after I have deleted the original version.  Here's what I'm currently running:


    What is the new version and where do I find a copy to download?

  12. I now run Malwarebytes, Component package version, 1.0.322, Update package version 1.0.4528.  This appears to be current.  It's running on Windows 7 Pro.

    I run a daily threat scan.  When I first upgraded, around the beginning of March, a threat scan took under 10 minutes.  Within a day or so, it began taking around 30 minutes.  (True there's a lot of disk on this machine - the data drive is 2TB.)  On the 24th, the scan took an hour and a half, then dropped back briefly to under 30 minutes.  On the 27th, it took almost 5 hours.  Today, the 28th, the scan had been running for just over 7 hours when I cancelled it because the CPU usage was affecting the rest of the box.  This was the regularly scheduled scan.  What is going on here?  On my laptop with a 750GB drive, running the same version of Malwarebytes on the same O/S, scans rarely take more than an hour.  Why is this machine different?



  13. I have a Windows 7 system running Malwarebytes, Component package version 1.0.262, Update package version 1.0.4236.  I was having the problem that the threat scan was taking hours to complete and eating the entire system (I couldn't open Outlook at all).  I found and FOLLOWED the consumer instructions to run the latest MB-CLEAN, download the latest version, and reinstall.  The scan now behaves beautifully, BUT - MBAMservice.exe is still using 12-13% of CPU and up, and between private bytes and working set is using around 500,000 K of RAM (from my copy of Process Explorer).  I gather from forum comments I've read that the memory could be even worse if I didn't shut my systems down every night.  The CPU usage, even when a scan is NOT running, occasionally shuts down the BOINC process I run in the background (as a public service).  This is all since that January upgrade; thanks, folks.  Not.

    I've done the instructions and it didn't help the MBAMservice.exe problem.  What can I do?  I've seen a suggestion that my only option is to reinstall Windows, which is waaay more work than I feel I should have to do for a program for which I've paid for a premium license.

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