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Posts posted by darkoracle

  1. I have found a temp work around, though less than satisfactory.

    Involves setting the drives in a manual scan; running it; then aborting it - then setting up the schedule.

    Apparently it stores the drives last scanned as the scheduled full scan parameters.

    Not sure what happens if you subsequently edit the time/date/frequency after the Full Scan setting have been changed.

    Does it store the new drive settings or keep the original?

    Malwarebytes developers need to add this basic functionality into the app. and soon.

    I understand that users were raising this as an issue in 2010.

    This is standard scheduling functionality for programmes like Acronis, Kaspersky etc.

  2. I have just found this after posting a similar question today.

    Here we are nearly a year on and still no flexible scan facility, though at least now I have a temp solution.

    In nearly all other schedulers for backup/archive/antivirus etc. (e.g. Kaspersky, Acronis) all these apps provoide this facility.

    It seems to me to be an absolute basic requirement for apps that take hours to complete.

    I have five drives and need to be able to do this.

    Come on people - how hard can it be?

  3. Hi,

    I've been using MB for a while now (Pro version).

    What I want to do is Schedule drive C: on Monday; D: on Tuesday; E: on Wednesday etc.

    I have 5 drives which would take an age to scan - if I did it as a single pass.

    I know that you can set up multiple drives in the full scan selection but this is a one off selection.

    I have tried searching through the forums and I've looked in the MB help and spent some time wandering around the app trying to find how I can schedule a specific drive (or drives) for a scan on a particular day.

    If I schedule a full scan for Monday it will scan whatever has been set up under the 'Scanner Tab' , it does not allow me to choose a different selection of drive(s) for that particular scan.

    Am I missing something?

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