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Posts posted by dalukens

  1. Will installing the new one keep our settings since you recommend to uninstall the old one first? If installed on the same computer will it already see the other backup and continue to use that one and only backup any changes, or will I have to uploads GB's of data again?

    If the files are in the cloud and this is the same machine used to upload them, then it will check with the server and upload the changes only. The settings (a.k.a online backup preferences) are not kept at the moment but I will add it to the list of suggestions :)

  2. Hello!

    One, how do I access my back up in order to put it on a new computer? Using the download link sent in the email?

    You can install the application on the new computer and log in with your credentials. If the backups were to the cloud, then everything will be there and can be restored by navigating to the Restore tab > Online Restore. If the files you need were backed up locally, then it is the same as having them on your old computer at which point they will need to be transferred manually.

    Also, there is another version that I need to upgrade to?

    Actually yes (also thanks for being part of that group!) :) Please uninstall the old version first, reboot and then install the latest from here.

  3. One thing I also noticed when I installed the latest version, you can actually cancel the scan at the beginning following installation. Just click on the red "X" and it will immediately close the scan and launch the main dashboard/UI of the program :)!

    We are working on it but for now the automatic scan will still be there next time you launch the backup. By clicking the "X" on this window, the whole backup process is dismissed and it picks up where it left off the next time :(

  4. Hi Steve!

    I decided last night to add more files to my backup procedure. (I'll try to explain this from memory as I am in the midst of doing that backup which still has 12+ hours to go so please bear with me..) I went to EDIT the CUSTOM FILES selection and found the folder window locked with "<all folders>" and the add/remove buttons greyed out. And all the other selections were only for size, type, exclusions, etc, et al.

    Our interface definitely needs improvement, so thanks for your suggestions :) If you want full control of your backup, choose the "Do not Scan" option in the "Select the files to protect" screen. Like I mentioned before, this "scanning" feature is for the benefit of the users who don't know the location of all of their documents, pictures, etc.


    When "Scan all folders" is selected in this screen, it locks the "All folders" under "Include folders" because that was the initial selection ;)


  5. >>>The only functional/cosmetic item I noticed (which might be "by design"?) is that there is no system tray (aka notification area) icon,

    • Is this normal, or should I expect to see the system tray icon, even when the backup is not in progress?

    There is no tray icon that is visible even if you restart....

    This is by design. The tray icon is only present when a backup (online and local) is in progress. After that process is completed, the icon goes away. It is meant to be a silent process, like a silent scan in MBAM :)

  6. If you said "We use standard, unmodified AES and the encryption password is the password you supply" that would make sense.

    Just adding to what Samuel says, you're fairly right about how our partners do things, but in order to maintain yours and everyone's security, we can't make the exact process public.

    Thanks for trying us. Questions like this help us gauge what is important to our users, which in turn, improves everything that we do :)

  7. Hello!

    1: If you have an outdated MBAM database, and are using the backup function - will the backup tool then automatically update MBAM?

    2: I feel safe using your products, but i like my backup on premises... Is it possible to use the Backup tool to create Backups locally on the network? and still have the first layer AES Encryption?

    1. Not at this time, however, great suggestion :D

    2. The application also offers local backups. To schedule a local backup, click "Setup Backup" from the "Backup" tab > "Files and Folders Locally":


  8. Hello!

    What counts as 'versioning'? Is it only automatic versioning done by the system or is it when I create a file, let's say a Word document and save it as FileA.doc and then make some changes and resave it as FileA1.doc, and then FileA2.doc etc? How does your system know what's a version and what's a new file?

    Great question. When you perform an online backup for the first time, the applications saves a copy of that file to the cloud. On subsequent backups, if the file is already in the cloud, only the changes to that file will be saved. This is great because it allows for backups to take less time :) The application does this by filename and you can access whatever version of the file you need anytime. In my example below, I have one file named notes.txt. It is not a very large file but I made changes to it and backed up all of those to the cloud. You can see those versions from a drop down arrow next to the file:


  9. Hello!

    Apart from that, I am monitoring the thread for update on what happens to my data after my trial account expires ?

    Like Marcin said, your data will be secure in the cloud for up to 30 days after trial expiration. You can upgrade anytime within that period to access your files:

    The 14 day trial is what we're launching the beta with. It could change if we get enough feedback. And your data doesn't go anywhere until 30 days after the trial anyway. Let me check what we do about expired accounts.

  10. Hello!

    Windows XP (Dell Inspiron 530 - 32 bit). Is that okay for your system?

    If I get a new computer somewhere down the line will I still be able to access my files?

    How is your program different; and/or better than Dropbox?

    1. We support Windows XP SP3.

    2. Absolutely. The application is machine independent, meaning that as long as you don't exceed your data capacity, you can backup as many systems as you need and access all those backups with one set of credentials. If you get another machine, you will only need to install the application and log in with your existing account.

    3. We offer integrated anti-malware protection which is not offered by other competitors like Dropbox. That is why we named it "Secure Backup" because of that extra layer of protection! You can check out our many features from our website: http://www.malwareby...s/securebackup/

    Thanks for trying us out :)

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