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Posts posted by Schnitzi

  1. Hi All,

    Not too long ago, we got a new computer, and for the first time in over 14 years, we've started getting the BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) on a fairly regular basis. (It pops up randomly. Such as opening a browser or bringing in a website; It makes no difference if the computer has just been turned on, or has been on for hours.)

    The tech built the computer from scratch, and installed 'Microsoft Security Essentials' and 'Malwarebytes. (Per his recommendations) When we called him about the BSoD, he said it was caused by Malwarebytes. He said it because we also have the 'Microsoft Security Essentials' on the same machine. (We have no other Anti-Virus program installed)

    Are we being duped, or could this true? I plan on taking it in for him to fix, but I want to be ready for his excuses. I'd appreciate anyones help. Thank you in advance for your time.

    System Info:

    Windows 7 Premium

    Intel Core i5-2300 CPU 2.80 Ghz

    4 GB RAM

    Feeling Clueless,

    Schnitz :)

  2. Greetings,

    This is my first post here, so forgive me if this is posted in the wrong forum. Feel free to move this thread, or request I repost, and I will do so, happily.

    I am new to the Malwarebytes program, and am still learning how to work with it. I know there are ways to customize it for my needs & uses, but before I do that, I wanted to weigh in with those that know more than I, so as I don't make a critical error.

    I am trying to reinstall/download a game from a website, and I'm getting a message that Malwarebytes has "successfullyh blocked access to a potentially malicious website". I've downloaded from this site before, and feel 100% confident that they are not trying to install anything malicious onto my computer. Note: I can access the general website no problem. It's when I click to download that I get the warning.

    If anyone is able to guide me as to what I should do to remain protected, yet gain access to this download, I would be very greatful. I've attached a printscreen of the error for your review.

    Thank you for your time.

    Schnitzi :)


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