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Does your computer/browser run in Arabic?

I've looked around on a Google Search, and this seems to be a mainly Internet Explorer thing. Why don't you try getting Firefox?

I don't know much about this, though, so feel free to disregard this post.

I'm going to second this recommendation. I highly doubt the developers of Twitter would have an error message like that displayed publicly. More than likely it's an issue with IE. A stack overflow error happens when you've run out of room to put things in a data structure (more or less).

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Does your computer/browser run in Arabic?

I've looked around on a Google Search, and this seems to be a mainly Internet Explorer thing. Why don't you try getting Firefox?

I don't know much about this, though, so feel free to disregard this post.

Thank you so much indeed, you had right it has been opened with Safari and Firefox. but why with IE doesn't want open. This seems to be odd because it was opening with IE altough it was an Arabic version. Now what can I configure in IE?

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Thank you so much indeed, you had right it has been opened with Safari and Firefox. but why with IE doesn't want open. This seems to be odd because it was opening with IE altough it was an Arabic version. Now what can I configure in IE?

Have you tried disabling Add-Ons in Internet Explorer to see if one of them is causing the issue? There should be an option to open the Add-On manager in IE's configuration menu.

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