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I just purchased Malware and I tried to change the scheduler time and when you click on the time and date field (which is a fixed field) you have a drop down that only allows you to change the date. The time is set for 4:14 AM. I don't turn my system on to 6:00 AM. How can I change the time?

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Hi and welcome:

Just put your cursor IN the box with the numbers to highlight them and change them as you wish by typing in the desired numerals, rather than looking for any drop-down menu.

(I agree that it's not entirely intuitive for newcomers...)

More info and a better description (with pictures!) may be found in the FAQ - Section O. :)

Enjoy your MBAM PRO!



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Hi and welcome:

Just put your cursor IN the box with the numbers to highlight them and change them as you wish by typing in the desired numerals, rather than looking for any drop-down menu.

(I agree that it's not entirely intuitive for newcomers...)

More info and a better description (with pictures!) may be found in the FAQ - Section O. :)

Enjoy your MBAM PRO!



Thank you!! That was easy enough!!

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Very good!

Glad it's working for you now.

FWIW, if I understand things correctly, you only really need Updates (+/- Flash Scans) and Quick Scans on a regular basis.

Many of us use an HOULRY update schedule (with Flash Scan) and a DAILY QUICK scan.

It's not necessary to schedule FULL scans very often, perhaps weekly or monthly. Full scans are typically needed only when cleaning up after an infection.

Feel free to post back if you need anything else. :)


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