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I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct place, so sorry if I am not...you guys can move it.

I have been using Malwarebytes since the days when I was a beta tester. I love Malwarebytes.

A friend of mine purchased it back in July, via PayPal. Never got her email with the registration code.

She had problems with malware recently so she went and again purchased it, through PayPal again, and this time she has not

received her email with registration code.

That is 2 purchases, and the money has been transferred.

I got her to join here so she could rectify the problem, and she has, but cannot make a post, or thread....so I am doing it for her.

I do have some of her info from PayPal, but I do not want to make that public.

Can someone please help?


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Greetings :)

In order to retrieve her ID and Key she will need to contact CleverBridge directly. They can be reached via the options available on this page: http://www.cleverbridge.com/342/?scope=cuseco

Once she has gotten her email from them with her ID and Key be sure she does not delete it and I also recommend printing or writing it down and saving it in a safe place for future reference.

She should also check her spam/junk folder to make sure it didn't get placed in there by mistake by her email provider.

Thank you.

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