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I received a phone call today from a man, with a very strong Indian accent, told me he was from Microsoft, and that my computer had been sending error reports. And they were going to show me all the errors on my system.

Against my better judgement, I downloaded the remote access application. Then I allowed them to access my computer and furthermore clicked on accept this answer always. They showed me through a series of steps that I already knew, yada yada, then they did a cmd prompt, and typed in 'tree', which ran for a few minutes. At the end of it, it said I had 5400+ viruses, it was at this point I knew for sure that I should have followed my gut instinct.

On my computer when I d/l anything it never gives me a run prompt, only a save prompt. So I downloaded this application onto my desktop. When I called BS on this guy, he started swearing at me. I unplugged my connection, and hung up the phone.

I have since, run a full system scan, deleted anything 'ammyy' in the registry, deleted everything related on my desktop, and have been monitoring processes activity. Nothing seems odd or out of place, and my computer is running the same. I have also gone through the same cmd process, and it finishes in about 1.5 seconds, whereas their 'scan' ran for about 3 minutes. And mine didn't say anything at then end about viruses, go figure.

Is there anything else I should include in this 'clean-up'?

Thank you.

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