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I've had my laptop for 4-5 years now. The power cord has become very twisty and knotted over the years, and seems to be breaking apart near the adaptor thing. It's bent about 90 degrees, and whenever I move it I can see some sparks fly out. It's working as of right now, but I fear it will eventually fail altogether and I'll need a new one.

I have one of those Tangent laptops. I'm haveing trouble searching for a cord on the internet since I don't know exactly what information I need about my notebook in order to buy one that will work. I did find this:


But I don't know if it will work on ANY Tangent.I'd be greatful if someone would help guide me with this. Thanks.

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just about any 110-220 VAC to 19 volts dc (may be listed as 19.1 or 19.2) @ 3.4 amperes (or better) with the right sized connector will work . the polarity has to match as well .

i find a bunch of suppliers that carry what is needed .

what state do you live in (if not another country) ?

heh , i have several different ac power supplies ... it is surprising what will work with what .

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the problem that the OP has is at the end that plugs into the comp (the dc side) .

this connector (plug) takes a beating . think about all the twisting , yanking and torquing that goes on .

many of those replacement adapters are of a "universal" nature ... this means that they have a socket on the end of the dc cord that you plug a din power plug into that "fits" your particular laptop (there are several sizes being used by the laptop industry) .

while this might seem like a good idea at first glance it turns out to be not so great ...

it is one more mechanical connection that is prone and subjected to the same forces that pooched the original connector/cord in the first place .

the mechanical integrity (aka : engineering) many times has much left to be desired . quite often this type of system fails in a much shorter period of time than the original design .

(i have a stack of bad universal adapters , all are hailed out on the "universal" end)

the best solution is to find a replacement unit that has an end that is the correct size (voltage , current and polarity too !) that is molded onto the end of the dc cord .

i have replaced bad ends with the correct size of connector and added some strain relief to them (heat shrink tubing is a wonderful invention) .

however , this is beyond the means of the average laptop user as it requires electrical/electronic knowledge and good soldering skills .

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just about any 110-220 VAC to 19 volts dc (may be listed as 19.1 or 19.2) @ 3.4 amperes (or better) with the right sized connector will work . the polarity has to match as well .

i find a bunch of suppliers that carry what is needed .

what state do you live in (if not another country) ?

heh , i have several different ac power supplies ... it is surprising what will work with what .

I live in Ohio.

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i found a place that offers the charger for the 9700/3470 for $20 ...

there is a picture of the supply but it does not clearly show the dc connector , nor does the description state that it is a molded end .

would i buy it ? no .

do some research ... shop around ... post some links

i have found other sources and the going price seems to be around $50 .

i think this is a bit much as i can pick up original oem supplies for HP (etc) and single molded connector supplies for many other brands for around $30 .

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I don't know about Ohio (I think that is where you mentioned you were from) but where I am we have a Goodwill computer store. I find all sorts of adaptors there, and being that its a laptop you can take it with you and make sure the cord works before you buy it. Check your local Goodwill and see if they have this type service there as well.

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man , i wish they had a goodwill comp store around this neck of the woods . <_<

the local GW store has bit-n-pieces now and again ... i have picked up 12 volt 5A switchmode supplies for a buck .

i also have bought several different laptop supplies for 1-3 bucks .

@ OP :

if you do go the GW route (or something similar) make sure that :

the supply voltage output is within the range needed (19-20 volts in this case)

the current (amperes) availability meets or exceeds the original

the dc connector has the right polarity (and "fits")

the polarity of the connector will be shown on the original supply .

as for the "fit" , some connectors will slip into place but the center connector "hole" will be too big and not make good mechanical/electrical contact ... a visual inspection of the ends will help avoid this problem .

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