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Error Code: 731 (0,6) and Yes I've done my searches

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I reinstalled my windows two days ago (no apparent reason) only to find that AFTER the format>installation my computer is now housing deluge of malwares and spywares. How do I know this? I took the hint when my firefox started opening new tabs with absurd addresses and IE started launching anti-virus software ads in new windows (this my girlfriend is the witness, not me... well at least not as of now).

The truth is, before this reinstall, I had a similar problem. I was initially infected with pop-up malwares (then vundo) that not only opened ads and windows but also blocked my access to several sites (like google.com), which led me to resort to what then seemed the last option: reinstall windows. So I did clean format reinstall but immediately after my resintallation I was greeted with familar popups that never went away.

I did fix this problem, however, with Vundofix from atribune.org (IIRC). For the next 8 months, my laptop was virus/spy/malware free. Until today.

Well. I suppose until today is sort of a misnomer because I did reinstall winxp 2 days ago, which I credit this late night posting of desolation to.

Enough with the introduction. There are two questions, including what the title of this thread would like to address.

1. Why would my otherwise clean harddrive suddenly contract seemingly indispensable trojans and spywares AFTER clean installation?

2. I ran MAMS, and initially received Error Code: 731 (0,6) at the first confrontation with an infected object. So naturally I did some googling and came up with suggestions and recommendations for fixing this very error code--with no avail. None of the suggested solutions has resolved the situation for me. Which is why I'm posting a new thread (the last thing I want to do, trust me).

So if the great minds of the malwarebytes forum could rectify what seems to be the toughest PC related challenges to date, it will be immensely appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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I had this problem after a reformat a long time ago.

I don't know if this is the case with you but it was because I connected to the internet to download my firewall/antivirus/anti-spyware software. Immediately I was a sitting duck as none of these were installed.

Best bet is to get antivirus/servicepacks/firewall on a usb stick and install them after the reformat before you connect to the internet.

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Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

Please don't post your log in this topic or start another thread in this forum, but post them in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum linked to above. :)

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I had this problem after a reformat a long time ago.

I don't know if this is the case with you but it was because I connected to the internet to download my firewall/antivirus/anti-spyware software. Immediately I was a sitting duck as none of these were installed.

Best bet is to get antivirus/servicepacks/firewall on a usb stick and install them after the reformat before you connect to the internet.

Sorry, can't see how to edit my post.

To further what i said before. Make sure you are behind a good hardware firewall after the reformat>Reinstall.

Another possibility is if you have other hard drives in the system. If there is malware on there and you only reformat the system drive, they can re-appear very easily.

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