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Some people just dont want to give you their money anymore! Mr.Bill :P

Microsoft is eager for Windows XP, its 10-year-old operating system, to fade into computing history. The sooner the better, in fact. But for that to happen, the Redmond company needs millions of XP users to drop creaky, old XP and migrate (hopefully) to Windows 7, or even to Windows 8, which won't arrive until next year.

Windows XP's demise may be proceeding steadily, but Redmond wants to pick up the pace. According to analytics firm Net Applications, XP finished September 2011 with a 50.5 percent share of all desktop operating systems, a drop of nearly 10 percent from just ten months earlier.


Microsoft has made it clear in recent weeks that it will be ending support for XP in April 2014, a hard deadline the company hopes will light a fire under enterprise customers still running XP on aging iron.

Redmond usually supports its operating systems for 10 years after their introduction. However, it made an exception in XP's case, extending the OS's lifespan by three years due to XP's popularity in the enterprise market.


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  • Root Admin

Actually Microsoft Windows XP is 10 years old today: 25 October 2001

A history of Windows Highlights from the first 25 years

XP Turn 10

And don't think that Windows XP is dead just yet - take a look here

Windows 98 and pre 98 versions still show in that list and they're well outside the quoted 10 years of support as well.


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Well, in our household/business, it's the hardware that will be changed/upgraded first, and at that time, the OS will change accordingly. I think some of us who are using computers and laptops which are successfully running Windows XP will continue with that until the computers and laptops themselves need replacing. Our main computer is 6 years old and still going strong on XP SP3. My laptop is 3 years old on XP and performing just fine.

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