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Hello and :welcome:

I am not on the Malwarebytes staff, but this is my opinion on this and you will find it probably matches most users here:

Scheduled Scans are very important. Having a good antivirus program is your first line of protection. Your second line of protection is the Real-time Protection from Malwarebytes. This should help prevent you getting infected in the first place.

With the way malware changes everyday, it is possible for something to sneak into your computer undetected. Malwarebytes tries its best to keep ahead of the malware out there, and they do update Malwarebytes quite often, that being said, if you have some malware on your computer that is not detected with one scan in the morning and then you scan again later that night after an update, you may find that something was found due to the updated rules file that was updated to include any new malware that was found.

Hope that answers your question.

BTW: you will be able to edit your posts once your post count has reached 50.

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