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program went where?

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OK, I did something that appears to have been stupid; I clicked save the program rather than run. It downloaded to somewhere, but I have no idea where and I can't download it again so unless someone can tell me the name of the program file & where it might be I'm stuck. Never occurred to me you could not specify where the file would be saved (I intended it to go to the desktop).

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OK, I did something that appears to have been stupid; I clicked save the program rather than run. It downloaded to somewhere, but I have no idea where and I can't download it again so unless someone can tell me the name of the program file & where it might be I'm stuck. Never occurred to me you could not specify where the file would be saved (I intended it to go to the desktop).

Try going to "start" then "your name" or computer owner, open it and select "downloads". It will likely be there.

Best regards :)

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Yep, it shows my unfamiliarity w/Windows 7. 'Downloads' is where it went. Still irritating the old 'save to'dialogue was eliminated

Actually, you ought to be able to configure your browser to tell it where to save downloads, or to prompt to ask every time, regardless of the OS?

An example from Firefox 7.0.1 is attached.




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Internet Explorer 9 does have an option to choose the download location, but MS did change how it works compared to previous versions of IE. A good tutorial on how to choose the default download behavior in IE9 can be found here. I've found that it works great once you get it set up the way you like it (I have files saved to my desktop by default because I had similar issues to yourself, and I never save anything to the "Downloads" folder). I also often use the Save as option (click the little down arrow next to the Save button that shows up on the bottom of the browser window when downloading a file) and I also often use the "View Downloads" option during downloads so that I can watch the progress and not have the download bar at the bottom of the browser window.

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