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  • Root Admin

Hello Bob,

Unfortunately this is not a programming board or training facility. Though someone may from time to time assist you with such questions it also becomes a drain on our resources as the Administrators and Moderators will have to read this post because it will be flagged as a new post and they need to make sure it's not a spammer or someone looking for help with malware removal.

I would highly suggest you visit one of the many great forums out on the Web that are dedicated to programming where you'll find much more help and dedication to the topic.


Here is just one of many - you can search Google for many others a well.


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Hello Bob,

Unfortunately this is not a programming board or training facility. Though someone may from time to time assist you with such questions it also becomes a drain on our resources as the Administrators and Moderators will have to read this post because it will be flagged as a new post and they need to make sure it's not a spammer or someone looking for help with malware removal.

I would highly suggest you visit one of the many great forums out on the Web that are dedicated to programming where you'll find much more help and dedication to the topic.


Here is just one of many - you can search Google for many others a well.


So sorry, I was not aware. Thanks! :)

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