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You guys are too kind. :P

I would've flagged this as a SPAM post.

EDIT: Guess I should have checked his input in Newest Malware Threats first.. mea culpa..


why spam? laugh now, but the arms race in the security business is getting more and more intense, new technologies arise daily, just my 2$

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Laugh - Arthur; you know what they say? "Wish in one hand and **** in the other and see which fills up first. :lol::D:lol::D

That depends on where you stick that hand. :lol:

why spam? laugh now, but the arms race in the security business is getting more and more intense, new technologies arise daily, just my 2$

Probably because it was about McAfee. They do not tend to have a good reputation in the security community, and Steve probably thought that any positive posts about new McAfee tech must be spam.

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Actually, I thought it was a spam post at first as well, not because it was about McAfee, but because the post only contained a URL, no other text etc. (something I see so frequently with actual spambots that I almost flagged you as a spammer until I looked at your post count and realized you were a legit user).

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Actually, I thought it was a spam post at first as well, not because it was about McAfee, but because the post only contained a URL, no other text etc. (something I see so frequently with actual spambots that I almost flagged you as a spammer until I looked at your post count and realized you were a legit user).

It is/was bad netiquette to just post a URL without having text to explain, qualify and enumerate its reason for being posted.

However the subject matter, McAfee Deep Defender, "popped" with me understanding how the acquisition of McAfee by Intel would impact the anti malware industry. Reflected by the statement of the 1st web page...

"McAfee Deep Defender is reinventing the industry approach to security and is the first product built on the McAfee DeepSAFE Technology co-developed with Intel."

Its "General Chat", its anti malware its On Topic. The post was just framed poorly. I'm sure han_solo will learn from this as han_solo in obviously in touch with its radical tangent in security provided solutions.

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Probably because it was about McAfee. They do not tend to have a good reputation in the security community, and Steve probably thought that any positive posts about new McAfee tech must be spam.


*Laugh* That wasn't it.. As I showed in my EDIT, I didn't know he was a poster in the Malware forums when I made that comment. I saw the hot-link and automatically made the INCORRECT assumption he was a Spammer.. (too much time spent as a Spam Hunter has me jumpy - what can I say?) I guess I should have deleted my post instead of adding the edit about my "mea culpa".. :blush: :blush:

Apologies to han_sol

Concerning McAfee.. Ummm.. errr.. I'll have to make that a "no comment".. :P As the Software Sub-Forums Moderator (with Gordon) I'm not supposed to show personal bias.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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Actually, I thought it was a spam post at first as well, not because it was about McAfee, but because the post only contained a URL, no other text etc. (something I see so frequently with actual spambots that I almost flagged you as a spammer until I looked at your post count and realized you were a legit user).

I apologise, posted in a hurry, just wanted to share it here. Bottom line is that everything changes very fast in the security industry, and only those who will respond and adapt to change will survive, like Darwinism ;)

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Probably because it was about McAfee. They do not tend to have a good reputation in the security community, and Steve probably thought that any positive posts about new McAfee tech must be spam.

Bad purchase on Intel's part. There isn't anything worthwhile that comes with McAfee. They've should have let McAfee be and go the way of the Dodo bird. ;)

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Bad purchase on Intel's part. There isn't anything worthwhile that comes with McAfee. They've should have let McAfee be and go the way of the Dodo bird. ;)

I beg to differ!

If you had a true virus, you'll want McAfee AV software as it is well able to disinfect an infected file. Remember, MBAM and SAS can NOT.

All you know is their retail product. You probably know nothing about Enterprise v8.70i and/or ePO and I'll bet you wouldn't know what HBSS is without a Google search and probably have to do real research into border gateway solutions. Intel's purchase of McAfee was a very strategic, well thought out venture in areas of INFOSEC and COMSEC.

Yeah, McAfee has a sh!tty retail AV solution. HP makes sh!tty digital cameras but I wouldn't bad mouth the whole HP company over it.

I mean no offense or disrespect but if you are going to bad mouth a company, you should know what that company does.

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While I would agree with David, Mcafee's reputation is popularly defined by their bloated, mediocre retail product (very much as Symantec/Norton is) their enterprise editions are very different in this respect. However, they use the same signitures incorporated into the database in the same sluggish way as the retail version and fundamentally the same engine to enforce. While I wouldn't be as quick as others to dismiss Mcafee, if I had a TDL 4 (TDSS, Alureon, Olmarik) or Sality infection there's only one AV I'd want in my corner and that's Kaspersky. I should point out that I no longer use Kaspersky :lol: as I found it'd become too intrusive. I don't want to participate in an AV beauty contest as in my opinion most of 'em are quite respectable in the real world.

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What people don't realize are recent game changers that really have little or nothing to do with regular signature and heuristic detection.

There is more to malicious software prevention and mitigation than traditional signature and heuristic detection. This will come into play with TPM. With malware like Stuxnet targeting SCADA as well as Mebromi targeting the BIOS and the myriad of mobile devices.

Those who only see McAfee in the light of their retail products don't see the trees through the forest.

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I was never too terribly thrilled about McAfee's Enterprise products. The companies that I knew that used it tended to have the worst virus issues (especially a certain high-profile company that had all of their users set up to run as admin, which shall remain nameless since they are not the topic of this conversation). As far as concrete evidence that McAfee Enterprise Edition was as bad as their home products, I do not have any, and it has been a long time since I have had to deal with it on a regular basis, so there is always the possibility of improvement, however I would want to see concrete proof of that before I said anything positive about McAfee simply because of their history.

That being said, their acquisition by Intel does make me hope that they will get better. Supposedly the old ATI drivers did eventually get better after AMD purchased them (even though it took years for them to do it), so if there is hope for some of the worst video drivers I have ever seen, then there is hope for McAfee. ;)

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