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KSLC - Karaoke Song List Creator updates trojan.dropper false positive?

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I have come across clients who downloaded KSLC monthly updates from their vendors website: http://www.airwer.com/kslc.htm getting trojan.dropper alerts from Malwarebytes. VirusTotal's sources appear to show no infection on the updates, so would you like to take a look at these attached files, tell me if they are indeed false positives, and release an update? We'd rather not choose to ignore as we really don;t know how to tell the difference. Your product is awesome by the way - just curious how to distinguish between false positives and those that are real threats. thanks!

Appears I'm not permitted to upload these files, so here are the links to virustotaL's online scan results of the August and September update -



Will this work?

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I have come across clients who downloaded KSLC monthly updates from their vendors website: http://www.airwer.com/kslc.htm getting trojan.dropper alerts from Malwarebytes. VirusTotal's sources appear to show no infection on the updates, so would you like to take a look at these attached files, tell me if they are indeed false positives, and release an update? We'd rather not choose to ignore as we really don;t know how to tell the difference. Your product is awesome by the way - just curious how to distinguish between false positives and those that are real threats. thanks!

Appears I'm not permitted to upload these files, so here are the links to virustotaL's online scan results of the August and September update -



Will this work?

Here are the updates attached in ZIP format - I hope this helps, too

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