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HI ,

Before we can do anything I have a few questions.

MBAM continuesly shows me a window saying: Mbam has block access to a

dangerous site : then ip address of site and most of the time

beneath it :Skype

Anyway I have attached a screen for you to see.

Is there some trojan on my pc that is trying to connect with his home base

or can i just be relaxed about it?

Please advice,


Is there no one to answer my question or is it just a stupid question:)

Maybe this is not a trojan? but how will I know?

I have a feeling that someone is looking over my shoulders and is

making a screen-image copy off my pc...but none of the anti-virus

software is mentioning something.

Can you help?

thank you.

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Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes.

Since Skype is a P2P program, it navigates through many different networks. Some of these may lie on IP ranges that are known to host malicious content, which is why we block them. Skype performance should not be affected by this.

Thank you for your help.

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Glad we could help. :)

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