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It is by using the Full Scan option, but honestly, actually removing infections from System Restore points is pointless as it will generally break those restore points, rendering them useless. If an infection resides in one or more of your restore points, the best option once you're system is otherwise clean and running normally, to create a fresh restore point and then delete all of the older restore points, thus removing the older restore points that contained the infection(s).

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Thank you for your quick response. Reason for my asking is that i had assisted on a post by a user that had infected system restore pts and thus was unable to use one to get at a point before the issue arose requiring the use of the system restore, and i had mentioned that MSE would scan those shadow files but, turned out i was wrong and i had to edit my post. I wish i had known that mbam would scan those files last nite as i would have most certainly posted that bit of info.

Thanks again for your answer.

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