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For MBAM developers

Guest claudiubotezatu

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Guest claudiubotezatu

----------> a possibility to schedule update /scan on INTERVAL rather than at a specific hour.

Let's say if I choose "24 interval" I would be absolutely sure that I will not miss any uptade rather that if I choose "at 9PM"'; maybe I will turn off my pc for various reasons before 9PM and I could be few days without updates.

Another thing: you should implement ASAP the password protection for accesing MBAM. Without password anybody can see and copy my ID and Key plus anybody can modify setings for MBAM .




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I know Marcin wants to implement the password protection idea. I don't remember if he said he was already working on it or not, but he thinks it's an important feature as well.

The update interval feature is something that I would believe is supposed to be in version 2 of MBAM, but that depends on when Marcin plans on adding it.

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