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Thank You Thank You Thank You!!


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Your AWESOME program fixed my Server which had been infected with some stupid idiotic 'Vundo trojan' malware which I suspect was using some rootkit or otherwise suicide-inducingly annoying methods to hide itself and survive.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware kicked it's ASS completley in about 10 mins with one reboot.

That is what dreams are made of.

You are Hero's, Thank You!

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I sincerely have to second this. I am a network administrator, and my home laptop was infected with the Vundo trojan. I tried everything, from Spybot to Adaware to Spydoctor. I modified the registry with every single recommendation I came across. I still kept getting the Antivirus 2009 crap, and I just couldn't get rid of it.

Google led me to this site, and your software did the trick. I cannot thank you enough. I usually don't register to forums, but I had to to say thank you. This will definitely be among my most recommended sites.

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I've used MalwareBytes in cleaning 3 computers right around Christmas, I uninstalled Ad-Aware beause of it's lack of everything MBAM has. Fast scaning, amazing detection, this is my favorite Anti-spyware (anti-malware really!!). I just wonder since 1.33 you may no longer update from another server manually or will it always be the fastest/closest one? Two of the three computers that were infected such that I was not able to update Spybot or SuperAntiSpyware, and MBAM was able to update, not through malwayebytes.com update but using the other option, I think it was SecurityWonks.net or what ever. The Browser's were hijacked and redirecting so if I were to run into this issue again will I not be able to get updates? or will I get updates if I keep trying due to 900+ mirrors so I may get another location if I keep trying? I also wonder if the updates were not working for malwarebytes.com at the time I was working on the computers(2 different days), but I was convinced that the malware was blocking and controlling the network traffic and blocking stuff like how I wasn't able to get to malwarebytes site to download the program easily on the computer and no other program was able to update.

Thanks so much for your work! Amazing program, I'm putting it on every computer I use and tell the owner of it, if they want real protection to purchase your software. Truly the best software protection investment I've seen!

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I've used MalwareBytes in cleaning 3 computers right around Christmas, I uninstalled Ad-Aware beause of it's lack of everything MBAM has. Fast scaning, amazing detection, this is my favorite Anti-spyware (anti-malware really!!). I just wonder since 1.33 you may no longer update from another server manually or will it always be the fastest/closest one? Two of the three computers that were infected such that I was not able to update Spybot or SuperAntiSpyware, and MBAM was able to update, not through malwayebytes.com update but using the other option, I think it was SecurityWonks.net or what ever. The Browser's were hijacked and redirecting so if I were to run into this issue again will I not be able to get updates? or will I get updates if I keep trying due to 900+ mirrors so I may get another location if I keep trying? I also wonder if the updates were not working for malwarebytes.com at the time I was working on the computers(2 different days), but I was convinced that the malware was blocking and controlling the network traffic and blocking stuff like how I wasn't able to get to malwarebytes site to download the program easily on the computer and no other program was able to update.

Thanks so much for your work! Amazing program, I'm putting it on every computer I use and tell the owner of it, if they want real protection to purchase your software. Truly the best software protection investment I've seen!

This is a "Thank You" not only to the great MalwareBytes program, but also to the wonderful and unselfish mods who give of their own time and expertise to help people such as ourselves. I, too, was infected by the Trojan.Vundo.H virus and was only able to boot to SAFE MODE. Not knowing the nature of the virus, I also infected my laptop when I copied some logfiles over to it for reporting on this forum. Luckily, I had already downloaded and updated MBAM on my laptop and was able to cure it. My desktop was another story, but thanks to AdvanceSetup's wonderful expertise, he was able to slowly help me get rid of this

virus and restore my desktop to full working condition.

Thank you Malwarebytes for your great program and for hosting this forum site. And, a big thank you to the moderators who help and educate poeple like us.

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