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I own multiple licenses of MB Pro and have them installed on several PCs. I do not use my Admin User accounts on these PCs for my day to day work. The issue that I have with your product is that it won't allow proper update of new definitions, and I have to run the program as an Admin before I can update it. It does, sometimes update by itself, but I have noticed that the update does not fetch all the definitions and I have to do a manual update.

I like to update my definitions several times a day while I am using a PC, and find that the 'Check for Updates' button on the 'Update' tab disabled. Why so?

So, basically, in non-admin User Accounts, your software does not update properly.

Secondly, to overcome this, I cannot do a manual update without Administrator rights.

I believe that this is an impediment to the very purpose of any Anti-Virus/Malware/Spyware program. I can understand that you would require users to be in Admin access mode in order to update to a new version of MB, but having users to do the same for new builds, IMHO, is a stretch and a nuisance.

I like your products, and I would appreciate it if you could consider my requests favorably.

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Hello and :welcome:

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Log in to the computer as an admin, then open Malwarebytes and schedule your updates while logged in as an admin. These settings should allow Malwarebytes to update itself while logged in as a normal user.

How To Use The New Scheduler

Once you register your full version make sure you schedule your program for automatic updates and scans.....

Have a look at the links below for instructions......

How To Use The New Scheduler (Applicable To Versions 1.51 and above Only)

This video has not been updated yet but it gives you a general idea....
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