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I love MBAM.

But there are problems from a business point of view.

1. I need central management.

2. I need the program to update without manual intervention.

I am a network admin in a small business with only ~50 users. Just in the last month, i've had to go to every PC and manually update the program of MBAM TWICE.

This takes a good 10 minutes at each station and effectively makes me take half my week JUST to update MBAM let alone the time to drive between all the buildings that have 3 computers in each.....

Is there any way for this to not be like this? Do you have a MSI installer that I could push out with Group Policy? Do you have an option in your program to automatically update itself? Is there ANY way to maintain this software without having to physically go to each machine?

What about central management? Any hopes for that in the future? Luckily I have a work around to see how many machines have MBAM installed but that's all I can see, I can't see which ones are updated with the most recent AV files, I can't see which ones have which versions installed.

I know i'm not the first one to ask for these things. Do you guys not cator to the business side of things? I know your mainly focused on "free for home use" and what not, but what about some perks for business users.

My year is up at the end of this month and if we don't have some kind of solutions for these 2 problems, i'm going to be forced to discontinue my subscription, not because I am upset with MBAM, but simply because I do not have time to manage a program that requires such interaction and I can't imagine any Network Admin that has more than 5 users would have the time to do this.

You guys are super good, but when are you going to come to the next stage? Central Mangement and Auto-updates of the software are "corporate software 101" so what is the deal? Are you guys only worried about home users and not concerned with the business side of things? MBAM has been around forever and with no central management or auto-updates yet, it seems you aren't worried about it.

Please help, I don't want to get a new solution, but i'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

I'm hoping i'm just ignorant and these things do exist and you all are about to show me the light. Please show me the light?


Derek Conlon

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Hello and :welcome:

They are currently working on MME (Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition) you can read about it Right HERE.

That being said, you can also get help from corporate support on how to update in the time being....

As a licensed reseller, affiliate, corporate\business, non-profit or government user or tech shop, your current inquiry is eligible for Malwarebytes’ Corporate support. To qualify for business support services, you MUST HAVE a valid annual subscription and able to provide the following information for verification purposes.

Cleverbridge Order Reference Number:

Organization name:

Approved Contact name:

To contact our Corporate Support Team, please send an email with the above requested information to the following address:

corporate-support@malwarebytes.org or by going to the Malwarebytes Commercial Support site Right HERE

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