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A few days ago I began getting a tray bubble alert on It displayed as an "outgoing" alert. I'm not 100% sure what the "outgoing" part of the alert means. Intuitively it means (to me anyway) that my computer was prevented from contacting that IP address as opposed to visa versa. This alert repeatedly appeared every few minutes no matter what I was doing. I finally reported this to support and was directed to this forum and after following some suggestions discovered that the IP address is for the "msn.com" home page. Something is definitely wrong here as I was still able to go to the msn.com homepage without being blocked. If that page really were malicious wouldn't half the world be reporting this? I have put the address on the ignore list but I'm not sure that's what I should have done. Any suggestions?

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That IP does not belong to MSN, nor anything MSN loads, and is not an F/P.

Well, when I type the IP address into my URL window my browser takes me to "msn.com". If that's not the procedure for determining what site the IP address is for then what is? As I said, I have added this IP address to my ignore list for now but if it is a malicious website I need to remove it from the list. If I do that it will no doubt resume the previous behavior. Am I expected to just ignore the repeated warnings?

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Turns out I was mistaken about the home page. Here's what happened. I happened to be at the msn.com home page when I entered the IP address in question. All that happened is a refresh of the page. The same thing happens on any page. The bottom line is I am unable to determine what the site is. What concerns me the most is that the balloon that appears says the blockage is "outgoing". Doesn't that mean there's a piece of malwear in my system trying to contact the site? If so why doesn't the program find it when it scans every night?

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It could be the specific infection isn't detected yet, there's millions of them out there, and new ones created every day. Please follow the instructions in the thread I referenced, and someone will assist you in identifying the offending process.

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