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good day -

would someone be so kind as to give a 30,000 foot view of how malwarebytes would play with other packages?

I'm currently running Avira and COMODO firewall.

do the three of these complement each other? overlap? Is there something else I would need? Is there something that I should remove? [i've read that one shouldn't run two different anti-virus packages simultaneously]

Many thanks,


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Hello and welcome, NCSteve:

As just a home user like yourself, my "view" is that MBAM should play just fine with both Avira AV and Comodo FW (though I do not use either of these particular programs myself).

MBAM is designed specifically to provide layered protection to complement your AV and FW against the types of threats that are often missed by the bigger packages.

And, MBAM PRO, with its real-time protection module, also adds outstanding website/IP blocking.

IMHO, the nominal cost of a LIFETIME license for MBAM PRO is money VERY well-spent for the added protection.

Even better, the support is phenomenal, too.

On some systems, it's helpful to add some reciprocal exclusions and permissions for MBAM with your AV and firewall, in order to optimize performance.

If you think you might need help with this, please post back with some basic info (OS and whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit, and the VERSION of Avira and Comodo you are using).

There also some self-help info on this topic in the FAQ section.

I'm sure the other members and MBAM experts will have some additional advice and suggestions.



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