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i have a usb drive with the <using provider> in the autoplay options

and it's called an orphaned entry

i contacted the manufacturer but it seems that their website is down or something and i can't submit the problem

and i want to use that usb stick without damaging my machine. so what it the best way to use this usb witout any harm

can i use it in the car's stereo (i guess it would n't affect it).

but the main concern is the computer.

pc is running on windows 7 ultimate 32x


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if i understand you correctly ...

there is a file on your usb drive that (basically) "has no home" .

it does not seem to be a part of anything critical to the operation of the usb drive .

wipe the usb drive and scan it with an antivirus program ... you can't be too safe/cautious ;)

then use the drive as you normally would .

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well i asked avira team once before but they told me it's an orphaned entery and i should contact kingston

but it seems i can't contact them so i was just asking if there is any safe way to use it.

here is the topic


i already asked them is it safe but i guess i need to add something as this flash

shuts down automatically. and i can't copy files when i last used it 7 months ago

Thanks cwb and i'm sorry for being late.

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hmmm ...

that thread is a bit hard to follow .

if i understand the last few posts , the usb drive shuts itself down ?

as i see it , an "orphaned entry" would not cause the stick to "shut down" .

it is like saying the taillight on your car is burnt out and the car won't run .

in the other thread you mentioned trying to retrieve some files copied from a play station .

if you really need the files , and safety being of the first order , i would find someone with an ubuntu machine and try to read the stick .

if this works , copy the files off and scan them thoroughly with a real/decent antivirus and anti-malware program .

you could also find someone (local) that is real hip and have them check the usb drive . ;)

if you can't get any information from kingston ...

and re-formatting the drive does not work , throw the drive in the trash after beating it with a hammer .

drives are cheap ... much cheaper than the time and losses involved with a compromised drive .

ps ... i stay away from those "fancy" drives . i really cannot justify the added cost of some "special" gadget ...

all i want/need to do is get the data from point "A" to point "B" .

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