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I have cleaned this ridiculous program at least 5 different times. Today I ran into the version that blocks Malwarebytes along with everything else. I tried the renaming the file name and still no joy.

Just out of curiosity i decided to give the command prompt a try, you know like running DOS back in the day.

To my surprise it worked. I got malware bytes to work properly. no more antivirus 2009

Just wanted to let everyone know. I hope it helps, I know how frustrating it can be. The first time I encountered this hellish program I spent two days thinking it was a real application.

good luck all.

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Man - I thought you were on to something there... Ran over to the computer from hell and tried it... No luck - just an hourglass for a second and then nothing... Took forever just to install Malwarebytes but it won't run for nothing! Running Norman right now (fingers crossed) Windows Live One care installed and ran but didn't get rid of the wiley Antivirus 2009 :)

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If MBAM won't install, then you guys have more serious problems than any anti-virus scan will fix.

I have seen this on two different computers now. First Malwarebytes wouldn't install - got around that on one computer by choosing "run" instead of "save" when downloading the install file. Then, once it was finally installed it would not run - just an hourglass for a second and then nothing. The viruses/malware were Vundo/Virtualmonde and AntiVirus 2009. The first computer I just did a format/re-install of Windows but I am happy to say that on the second computer once I finally got Malwarebytes to run, it completely got rid of the infection! Malwarebytes is one of the best virus/malware solutions I have ever used and I recommend it to everyone I know that has any virus/malware problems.

Thanks for a great free malware solution!

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I've got one I haven't gotten cleaned yet. Malwarebytes wouldn't install. Booted into safe mode and it installed. Started running a scan. It ran for a while, then the Malwarebytes window vanished. Malwarebytes now won't run or install in safe or normal mode. I tried the command prompt but no luck. The stupid Antivirus 2009 or whatever is also stopping AVG from running. I'm going to have a go at it with Fsecure Rescue CD v3.01

If I take the hard drive out of the PC and hook it up to a clean PC and scan from that will it get rid of it? Malwarebytes is getting famous enough for the crapware authors to be targeting it now.

Is there any way Malwarebytes could be packaged as a bootable PE executable? It just gets old trying to wash your feet while standing in a mud puddle sometimes.

- Joe

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  • Root Admin

Hello Joe, no currently there are no plans for a free PE build of MBAM.

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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