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Using an updated Malwarebyte's virus definition on a comp without internet access

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I am trying to run Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware on a comp without internet access, I am sure this is not a unique problem, I am wondering how I might be able to run an updated virus/malware definition/database, if it is possible to install it on the comp without internet access (just the installer) and transfer from another comp (with internet access) just the files from a comp that has been updated, if replacing the files on the comp without internet access, with the files that have been updated from a comp with internet access, would be as if I updated the files on the comp without internet access?

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Sure thing, just open notepad and copy the following text into it notepad and save it as copy.bat (be sure to save it as a .bat file and not a .txt file):

copy "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref" "%cd%"

That will copy the definitions from the computer that has internet access to the current directory of where you create the .bat file.

Place the rules.ref file on a flash drive and create the following as paste.bat:

copy "rules.ref" "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"

Copy both the rules.ref file and the paste.bat file to your flash drive and then take them to the PC without internet access and run the paste.bat file.

When you do this, make sure Malwarebytes' isn't running and that you are logged in as an administrator.

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Sure thing, just open notepad and copy the following text into it notepad and save it as copy.bat (be sure to save it as a .bat file and not a .txt file):
copy "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref" "%cd%"

That will copy the definitions from the computer that has internet access to the current directory of where you create the .bat file.

Place the rules.ref file on a flash drive and create the following as paste.bat:

copy "rules.ref" "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"

Copy both the rules.ref file and the paste.bat file to your flash drive and then take them to the PC without internet access and run the paste.bat file.

When you do this, make sure Malwarebytes' isn't running and that you are logged in as an administrator.

Unfortunately it is saying the database is incompatible with the current version, I should update the current version. Have tried it with version (which was the version on the comp with internet access, which had updated it's definitons as of 3rd December) and the current version (which I downloaded from the comp with internet access, and installed on the one without it still says the database is incompatible with the current version), also I am unable to update version 1.31.0 on the comp with internet access ( the comp with internet access now has version 1.31.0 from version was hoping to update its definitions and try try and create a paste.bat for use with the comp without internet access, it doesn't update either for malwarebytes.org or securitywonks.net, it did this before on version but after a few tries it eventually updated on malwarebytes.org but this time round after several tries with verison 1.31.0 it just says update failed pls check you are connected to the internet...)

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Yes, you have to have the same version of Malwarebytes' installed (currently version 1.31) otherwise the database won't be compatible. So you will need to install the main program first. You can download it from one of these links and then install it on the PC without internet access:




Be sure to uninstall the old version first, then reboot, then install 1.31.

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