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I wondered if there would be any problems i would incur if i were to move MBAB files from my C to D disk? I have moved photos and other misc. files that i know won't affect my operations, but still would like to increase my memory without using a flash drive/external drive. Thank you ahead of time for any help.

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Hello lazydave46:

According to Ron's very authoritative post below, MBAM may exist on a D: partition. However, I believe MBAM would need to be un-installed and then re-installed and not simply "moved".

I sincerely apologize for my earlier mis-leading error. :blush:

Almost any manner of document and data files may be stored in other partitions.

Malwarebytes' "exile360" recently updated an FAQ that might serve you well: Speeding Up Your PC..

Additionally, running ATF Cleaner from Atribune.org, TFC from OldTimerTools and only the "Cleaner" portion of CCleaner will certainly help free some space.

HTH :)

Edited by 1PW
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"... i were to move MBAB files from my C to D disk" .

are the "C" and "D" actually separate drives or a single drive with a partition ?

in some cases the "D" drive actually a smallish partition located on the "C" drive (especially with a "factory" system) . this is where the back up/restore files (etc) are located . not much room to move stuff to .

of course , a 500 gig drive split in two would allow some storage room .

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