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Questions to the MBAM team: Does MalwareBytes detect bots or existence of botnets? I recently run Trend Micro's RUBotted as protection against bots and it kept ringing alarms that my pc is infected by bots and urge me to run their HouseCall service. I scanned with almost everything including MalwareBytes and found nothing at all. I've also eliminated all vulnerabilities from my PC. I tried an uninstallation and reinstallation of RUBotted and it detected nothing. Just as when i was very happy that nothing happened, the next day it started ringing alarms again. :P

Is it that RUBotted is just pulling off a false alarm or is it that all the scanners i've used (including MalwareBytes) does not have protection against bots? This issue has been driving me crazy for the past week and i thought maybe the MBAM team will have some ideas.

Have a nice day!

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Greetings FatCat. It sounds like it's throwing up false alarms. To be specific though, bots are basically just trojans, which are within the realm of what Malwarebytes picks up. They are trojans that serve a specific function (controlling your computer remotely to make it part of a botnet). It sounds like there's an issue with the software though because if it starts throwing the alarms suddenly then you uninstall and reinstall and it sees nothing, there's got to be something up. If you want a second opinion on bots specifically, I believe Norton has a free trial of their antibot software, but if you want an expert opinion, my recommendation would be to follow the instructions here:


and post your logs in a new topic here:


One of the experts here will have a look at what's going on with your system and tell you for certain if you have an infection or not (bot or otherwise).

Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are

instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult.

I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.

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You're very welcome, just sit tight and one of the experts will help you, just please be patient as they're all volunteers and it's been real busy lately due to the holiday (malware makers are super active this time of year due to jumps in online shopping, loads of credit card numbers flying through the net for them to try and grab).

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