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Hi there,

I'm currently evaluating AVS solutions for a small company (<15 users) and since I've have had good experiences with MBAM removing some stubborn infections I wonder if MBAM could be an all-in-one solution to deploy. Unfortunatly the MBAM homepage is full of edgy marketing talk but offers little information of value with regards to the scope of MBAM Pro.

Older information (ca. 2008!) in this forum and, for example, the wikipedia suggest that MBAM is only supplementary to a full-fledged AVS solution. av-comparitives.org and similiar sites also don't list MBAM, so I take this as a strong hint that MBAM is not what I want, if I'm looking for an all-in-one solution to protect MS Windows PCs from all kinds of malware, in the sense expounded for example in https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Malware

Can somebody, preferably staff, give me any information on this topic?

Best Regards

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Greetings :)

It is true that Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is not an all-in-one protection solution, it is a supplemental protection to be used with an antivirus in order to catch the latest threats that most antivirus software tends to miss.

That being said, if you are still interested in licensing Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware for your company then please contact corporate@malwarebytes.org with your business contact details and info on what you need and they can answer any additional questions you might have as well as offer price quotes for solutions that would best fit your needs.

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