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Ok. I get that it's going to take some time to get Malware Hunter status and access to samples. That's cool, I am patient. Anyway, in the meantime, I want to finish getting my virtual tank ready for malware observation. So far, I only have software to detect registry changes, not actively running commands or file system changes.

I want to start catching wild samples and doing my own analysis of them, and of course submit to Research Center. I'm somewhat advanced with technology, but new at malware examination. Any tips or advice?

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Already got a few links to get some samples from. I now have an app at my disposal to reverse win code to binary...but I'm somewhat lost on what actually is being shown, and have no way of telling if a malware is "packed". Any advice on that? Also looking for a good file system monitor, that can detect changes.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi -

I am sorry to inform you that Malwarebytes will not release any malware for private use -

The malware hunters group on this site only report on infections that are caught 'in the wild' and not from supplied information -

Any P2P site will infect you soon enough, if you are that desperate for samples -

Thank You -

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