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Hi folks

Successfully removed Windows Recovery virus from my sister's laptop and used the unhide.exe program to restore all her files to the light of day. It turns out though that some files should be hidden to function properly - I found this because the desktop.ini in her startup folder was opening in Notepad every time her laptop booted up and some quick Googling tells me that file needs to be hidden to work properly (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1916898,00.asp). I'm now wondering if *all* ini files need to be hidden to work, and whether there are any other file types that should be hidden? (Incidentally, when I say 'hidden' I mean 'has the hidden attribute', not 'is visible in Windows Explorer'.)

Any advice would be gratefully received - and yes, I have tried lots of different Googlings and nowhere can I find anything about default hidden files!



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