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Generally i'm glad not to have to post here too much as my machine normally doesn't come under too much traffic and googling this site sees me through.However.....This morning I ended up getting the windows recovery virus or a cousin of it. Basically the one that tells you your hard drives are about to melt and then throws up some vista critical analysis tool with lots of errors etc... I'm running Vista x64 and AVG pro 2011 and it didn't have a clue unfortunately as the trojan ran rings around it.

Malwarebytes removed it fine - Thankyou !

Unhide.exe worked fine - Thankyou although I had manually done this after 2 hours of learning why all my drives disappeared along with 2 Tb's of data

My last issues are as follows

1. When I click the start menu the large box above " All Programs" is completely empty

2. When I click through on "All Programs" it has the titles of the various programs but when I go to access i see "empty" appear under the title

3. My little shortcut taskbar is blank but the space appears to be the same as when it had icons

4. I found another post indicating some items had been moved to C:\Documents and Settings\your user name goes here \Local Settings\Temp\smtmp I've found the folders marked 1,2 and 4 but not sure where to recopy the data contained within to.

Thanks for your help or advice - I am hoping point 4 will solve 1,2 and 3.



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smtmp\1 "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu"

smtmp\2 "%UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

smtmp\3 "%AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar"

smtmp\4 "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop"

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