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Hello HondaJoe: :welcome:

Please left click on Start > Run...

In the Open: box, enter via cut & paste from below:

cmd.exe /k ping mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org

Please report:

  • the full name of anti-virus and exact version in use.
  • the detailed version of Windows installed.
  • if a Personal Firewall other than the integral Windows firewall installed? If so which?

Please reply with your ping results and above full information to this thread. Thank you! :)

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Hello HondaJoe: :welcome:

Please left click on Start > Run...

In the Open: box, enter via cut & paste from below:

cmd.exe /k ping mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org

Please report:

  • the full name of anti-virus and exact version in use.
  • the detailed version of Windows installed.
  • if a Personal Firewall other than the integral Windows firewall installed? If so which?

Please reply with your ping results and above full information to this thread. Thank you! :)

Ping results are request time out this is because our firewall (Cisco ASA) is blocking ICMP to and from the outside.

Anti Virus is Symantic ver 11.0.4000.2295

Running Windows XP ver 2002 SP 3

Something is different within the way MB tries to update.

I was able to update the data base yesterday like I say which was 27 days old up to a version that was 9 days old.

I did take the laptop out from behind the firewall and was able to update MB so obviously there is a rule I need to look at.

Thank you for your responce

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If you are a reseller, affiliate, technician, corporate, business, educational, government or non-profit customer then please contact corporate-support@malwarebytes.org and include full contact details along with your Reference # when you do to ensure that you receive prompt assistance.

Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as it is possible. Thank you! :)

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