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Does your team intend on making it so us resellers and affiliates that get customers to install your trial, have some way of converting that lead into revenue for us, instead of losing the sale if we can't convince them to purchase immediately?

Basically customer comes into the shop, and we ask if they would like to add MBAM to their protection suite. around 10-20 percent say yes. However, I know I could convert that to %50 percent if I could offer to install mbam as a 14 day trial, for them to see how it impacts their system. But I don't want to lose that small bit of revenue it could potentially generate every dollar helps the bottom line.



Computer Medic Services


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Does your team intend on making it so us resellers and affiliates that get customers to install your trial, have some way of converting that lead into revenue for us, instead of losing the sale if we can't convince them to purchase immediately?

Basically customer comes into the shop, and we ask if they would like to add MBAM to their protection suite. around 10-20 percent say yes. However, I know I could convert that to %50 percent if I could offer to install mbam as a 14 day trial, for them to see how it impacts their system. But I don't want to lose that small bit of revenue it could potentially generate every dollar helps the bottom line.



Computer Medic Services



All reseller\partner issues can be directed to the email address below:


Affiliate inquiries of any type must be directed to the email address below, replies to applicants can be same day or as long as 48 hours. Please be patient as we try to get to everyone in the order of which they applied.


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