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So I just installed the trial version of MalwareBytes and a couple times now I've seen a bubble pop up from the MB icon on my taskbar saying that a potentially malicious outgoing website IP has been blocked, and then it lists an IP.

I'm on Windows XP SP3 and have been running Norton 360 for a few months now (and am still running it)and just reinstalled Microsoft Security Essentials and the trial version of Malware Bytes.

No scans on any of the programs detects anything malicious, but this bubble thing has me really scared.

What's going on and how can I fix it?

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Hello and :welcome:

First things first, you said you had Norton 360 installed and you also mentioned that you installed Microsoft Security Essentials. That is not a good idea, to have two anti-virus programs runnning at the same time. You need to only have one anti-virus software installed together with Malwarebytes.

Second, as for the IP blocks, are these happening while you are surfing the internet? Do you use Skype or any P2P programs such as Bittorrent? Are you showing any signs of an infection?

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It sounds like Malwarebytes is working as it should.... if you start showing signs of an infection then perhaps we could direct you to the right section to have the experts take a look at your logs. You should be OK.

Keep in mind, by using P2P software like Utorrent, you run the risk of getting your computer infected.

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