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I'm on XP btw. Everytime I search something in google, it takes about 6 seconds before the results actually show up. Then when I click a link, I get redirected, and then firefox prompts me to open/save a file that's just called "search". Also, I hear random music/audio go on, then when I go into the task manager, it's a random iexplore.exe process. Once I close it, the music stops, but it just randomly opens up for some reason. What do I do?

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Hello bojadada and welcome to Malwarebytes !

Our Malware Removal team is very busy. Please be patient and avoid bumping your topic in the future. Thanks :).

Please print or save this topic: it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps.


Please download ATF Cleaner

Save it to your Desktop.

Please locate ATF

  • Double-click ATF-Cleaner.exe to run the program.
  • Click Select All found at the bottom of the list.
  • Click the Empty Selected button.

If you use Firefox browser, do this also:

  • Click Firefox at the top and choose Select All from the list.
  • Click the Empty Selected button.
  • NOTE: If you would like to keep your saved passwords, please click No at the prompt.

If you use Opera browser, do this also:

  • Click Opera at the top and choose Select All from the list.
  • Click the Empty Selected button.
  • NOTE: : If you would like to keep your saved passwords, please click No at the prompt.

Click Exit on the Main menu to close the program.


Please download HijackThis from here.

Save it to a permanent folder (such as C:\HJT).

Next, open HijackThis, and select Do a system scan and save a logfile.

A Notepad document will open. Please post the contents of that document.


Please do the following:

  • Download DDS by sUBs from one of the following links. Save it to your Desktop.

    NOTE: Before scanning, make sure all other running programs are closed

    There shouldn't be any scheduled antivirus scans running while the scan is being performed.

    Do not use your computer for anything else during the scan.

    [*]Double click on the DDS icon, allow it to run.

    [*]A small box will open, with an explanation about the tool. No input is needed, the scan is running.

    [*]Notepad will open with the results.

    [*]Follow the instructions that pop up for posting the results.

    [*]Close the program window, and delete the program from your Desktop.


In your next reply, please include:

  • HijackThis log
  • DDS Log

How is your computer running now?

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  • Staff

Due to the lack of feedback this topic is closed to prevent others from posting here. If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this thread with your request. This applies only to the originator of this thread.

Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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