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My brother's computer had some problems with infected files in the registry - hijack.startmenuinternet, other hijack files that I forgot to make note of (whoops), where .exe files wouldn't open - and I went through and cleared them off with Malwarebytes. It was all very straightforward. The computer is now running fine, except for one issue:

I uninstalled the ancient Java he had on the computer (version 10, I think?), went to update the Java version, and it told me it had successfully updated. Checking Add/Remove Programs, this wasn't the case: no Java to be found there or anywhere on the computer. I went back to the site to check the installation, and every time I clicked "verify Java version," Firefox crashed. So, I downloaded the installation .exe on my computer, transferred it to his, and proceeded to get the following error:

"This software has already been installed on your computer. Would you like to reinstall it?" After clicking yes, it said, "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."

I turned to JavaRa to remove the old versions, but it crashed as well whenever I tried to check the current version or remove older ones. I also used CCleaner to check for registry issues, in case uninstalling the old Java had left something behind that was confusing it. It found a few things, but nothing changed when I tried again. I re-ran Malwarebytes to make sure something hadn't slipped through the cracks - nothing was found.

So - now what?

(The crashing, etc. makes me a bit worried about the state of the computer and whether or not it is clean. However, since I'm mostly sure it's clean, I posted here instead of in Malware Removal. Willing and ready to move over that way, though!)

Thanks in advance.

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