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I have a question about what happens during an IP block. For some time now I had been trying to figure out why my Dlink router posts these crc errors to the WAN packet statistics.

After some observation I finally see that these errors occur when an IP block happens. It's a rare event, but occassionally links from www.drudgereport.com will trigger the IP block balloon. And when this happens the router will log 1-3 packet errors.

Is this normal behavior or is there something I should check in my configuration?

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Greetings :)

It sounds normal to me. The IP blocker will block any packets, incoming or outgoing to or from an IP address that is in our blocklist and your router is just logging the fact that the packets aren't getting through. As for why the blocks are happening, it's likely that there is an ad or something embedded in the pages that the block is occurring on that is blocked, which is what is triggering it.

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