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This morning while visiting a blog at Hitfix.com I clicked on my favorites bar in IE9 to go to www.google.com. Instead of arriving at that site, my window was blank and in the status bar said Waiting for toolsxpgroup.com I shut down the browser and upon restarting found an entry for the following site entitled Windows Security:


I had just run McAfee and Malwarebytes(Quick Scan) earlier this morning and found nothing. I immediately ran a Malwarebytes full scan afterward. It found nothing. I added toolsxpgroup.com to my restricted list in IE9. I also checked to make sure that the Google link on my favorites bar didn't have an unusual address associated with it. It didn't.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this website. There are no hits in Google, and McAfee's Site Advisor website states it hasn't checked out the site yet, but that it's on a list to be checked. I used to use samspade.org to check out DNS addresses etc, but I don't believe that site works any longer and am not familiar with a safe alternative.

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