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Hi I'm asking for removal of a false positive, as far as I can tell its simple ipblock. This has been a problem for some time and I'm hoping we can rectify this permanently!

I've grabbed Dino' log file via teamviewer when trouble shooting before noticing you like log output from developer mode. Myself I only have free version and live scanning isn't available so I can't replicate in developer mode at this point in time.

11:32:46 Dino MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

11:33:05 Dino IP-BLOCK

11:33:05 Dino IP-BLOCK

11:33:15 Dino IP-BLOCK

11:41:57 Dino MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

we also have ips

resolved to mail.appwork.org

resolved to appwork.org

resolved to jdownloader.org

resolved to jdownloader.org

These servers are in our control and shouldn't be pimping any malware or related content.




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Thankyou MysteryFCM/Malwarebytes Staff.

appworks/jdownloader has multiple servers (this is just one) which supports multiple server based features within jdownloader (update/container services/ipchecks/etc). Economic considerations play major consideration and these cheaper providers do offer cost benefit addressing these. As open source project I don't manage those decisions personally just to acknowledge that we wont be moving our services just to address your applications blanket ipban on this service provider due to some (current/past) customers abuse.

Thankyou again



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Thankyou MysteryFCM/Malwarebytes Staff.

appworks/jdownloader has many servers on multiple service providers, this is just one known to be blocked at this stage (others include lambdanet/hetzner /as5577/ovh) which supports server based features within jdownloader (update/container services/ipchecks/etc). Economic decisions play major consideration and these cheaper providers do offer cost benefit. As open source project I don't manage those decisions personally just to acknowledge that we won

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