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For the last couple of weeks my computer has been acting really strangely and running very slow. Dell Studio 540s 4GB Ram

I ran a Dell System Mechanic and iolo PC Checkup and all came up fine. I spoke with Dell support (don't ask... please) and we finally agreed to re-install windows.

Reinstalled Windows - Status... OK

Reinstalled McAfee - Status... OK

Reinstalled Malwarebytes - Status... OK (ish) - a bit sluggish and took a while to start up on windows startup/icon took a while to appear at bottom right.

Reinstalled Prevx - Status... Problems


- Startup very slow

- Computer hanging

- Error Report: Login Process has failed to create the security options dialogue

Rinse and Repeat - uninstall all and reinstall all - same problem - remove Malwarebytes = Status OK - no problem.


Contact Dell support (please... don't ask!!!) Ran a series of hard disk tests... Dell suggested it was a software issue.

- Uninstalled McAfee/Malwarebytes/Prevx

- Reinstalled McAfee - status OK

- Reinstalled Prevx - status OK

- Reinstalled Malwarebytes - problems

- Uninstalled Malwarebytes - status OK/no problems.

- Uninstalled McAfee/Malwarebytes/Prevx

- Reinstalled McAfee - status OK

- Reinstalled Malwarebytes - status OK (ish) a bit sluggish and took a while to start up on windows startup/icon took a while to appear at bottom

- Reinstalled Prevx- problems (see above)

- Uninstalled Malwarebytes - status OK/no problems.

Current Status:

- McAfee installed and working

- Prevx installed and working

- Malwarebytes not installed

I have the paid version of Malwarebytes, have used it for quite a while and am a real fan of malwarebytes. I really know the value of having Malwarebytes, based on a problem that occured in work which only Malwarebytes picked up on and helped solve - after 4 hours of server and wireless downtime due to malware on a laptop infecting a server.

Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions as to:

- what the problem could be?

- what the solution could be?

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You should also exclude the Program Files folders for both PrevX and McAfee from Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware by using the Add button on the Ignore List tab. That will likely help (you can do this before you enable protection in Malwarebytes' so that it doesn't freeze up while you're trying to add them).

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In my experience none of the latest McAfee products have any way of setting exclusions.

Already had 4 computers this month with McAfee infected with malwarebytes would have blocked ;)

McAfee Corp Edition has ways of excluding files and folders....

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