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Wow, what an eye opener. Bad...

I pointed out that Apple instructed its support personnel to not assist with the removal of the MacDefender malware.
:blink: :blink:
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I have had only one experience with apple so far and it went like this.....

I was given 4 iMacs (crt gen) that were going to be recycled and the owner wanted the HDDs removed so they could eliminate issues with their personal data. Even being able to more of less rip these systems apart with no need to be in any way careful it took far more than an hour to get the drives out of all of them. It was VERY clear from their construction that they did not want you fixing/upgrading your own system.

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I hear you! Bruce, I took one apart years and it was such a pita. Apple is doing the same today by making very hard to repair/replace/upgrade hardware on their products due to the proprietary screws (tri-wing screw HDD replacement). On the IPhone 4 they substituted the two Phillips screws with 2/5-Point Pentalobe screws on the bottom

But alas, there are tools to circumvent Aplles insanity (soon to order the 56bit kit) mwahahahaha

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In the old days 1983-'90 I ran an Apple //e based BBS and Apple (other than anything they sold cost 3-5 times as much as a similar PC item) was easy to work with. Then came the Apple IIc and from that point on Apple doesn't want anybody to have the ability to work on *any* Apple product.. soldered in batteries, weird screw heads, etc, et. al.. I decided in 1986 to NEVER buy ANYTHING with the Apple brand on it from that point forward.

Correction: I will eat a Red Delicious Apple, but that's the limit of my largess. :P



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^^ those are the best kind of apples :) I need to start eating apples... I always forget to when we have them. Not that we have any right now, but I can remedy that :)

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  • Root Admin

Well I had the displeasure of replacing a power supply on an old MAC G5 once. This information and guides were not easy to find and/or not available when I replaced it.

I actually ended up having to make a special tool because at least on the unit I had there was a special hex screw that was buried about 8 inches down that none of my regular tools could reach.

Changing the power supply unit on a powermac g5, after it blows up!

This guide will detail how to remove the Apple G5's main power supply

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