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Hello insky :welcome:

We do not work on malware removal in this area, Please go here

Also please be patient as the expert helpers can get very busy. Do not reply to your own topic unless you are being helped as multiple responses will make it appear you are already being helped.

Thank you and best regards

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I have my GMER rootkit scan & I have attached the zip file. How do I go about cleaning startnow.com from my computer?

Thank you, obviously I am new at this.

Can I ask you a question here: I tried to post the GMER scan, but I got a message that it was too long. Does that mean my scan is unusable? I "unchecked" the three areas noted in the instructions.

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Thank you, obviously I am new at this.

Can I ask you a question here: I tried to post the GMER scan, but I got a message that it was too long. Does that mean my scan is unusable? I "unchecked" the three areas noted in the instructions.

I believe you could copy/paste in two parts, but not sure . I will try to get an answer for you.:)

Edit, it may be best to wait for a response by a helper, thank you.

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