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I've searched and can't find the answer... we have a laptop and a desktop and the laptop has the pc performance & stability analysis report virus or trojan thing.

when i try to dl mb on the laptop, it directs me to a tech geek page. But when i do the same thing on the desktop it sends me to cnet. i try to dl it from there and get the notice:

C:\DOCUME~1\aventari\LOCALS~1\Temp\CjMvPoql.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

I turned off the resident shield on avg but that didn't change anything.

I'm good at following directions but don't know much about computers. i'm not sure if it somehow infected my desktop and am hoping someone can help. Right now i want to dl mb. but then i have the bigger issue of fixing the laptop.


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got it.

ignore the malware issue i have, right now i can't dl mb.

i tried from cnet and from major geeks and get the same/similar message:

C:\DOCUME~1\aventari\LOCALS~1\Temp\CjMvPoql.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

i read through the link you provided (and had done so prior to posting) but see nothing that addresses my problem. I very well could be overlooking it, though. perhaps you can point me in the right direction.

to summarize:

I can't download malwarebytes on my computer and don't see the solution in the standard instruction link.


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