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I am unable to update 2 computers this morning beyond database 6658. When I try to manually update, the update tries and goes through about 40%, then restarts. It does this several times, and then an error message pops up:


(12002,0, WinHttpQueryData Available)

Edited to add:

I've just powered up my Windows 7 netbook, which hasn't been on for 16 days, and it is currently experiencing the same difficulty, the update comes in partially, then stops and starts over again. I'm waiting for the error message. Two computers thus far have had no trouble connecting to Microsoft to update MSE. (Yes, all the exclusions for MSE are in place.)

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Looks like the problem is solved. I've managed to update the laptop and the netbook. Haven't tried the desktop yet, as I'm currently downloading other updates on the netbook. I've got 2 out of 3 anyway. :)

Would this error message be indicative of a server problem then?

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