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MBAM Free Version installed Feb 2010 on Drive C:

I recently created new partition addressed by Drive Z:

Today (may 23 2011 I installed Free Version AGAIN on Drive Z:

I just noticed that the File Version Dates differ between MBAM & MBAMGUI as follows, on both Drives C & Z.



Is this a problem ?

Also, is there any advantage (security wise) to uninstall both Installations, then reinstall only to Drive Z, ie, would it stop potential threats from disabling MBAM by it being on Drive Z ?

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MBAM Free Version installed Feb 2010 on Drive C:

I recently created new partition addressed by Drive Z:

Today (may 23 2011 I installed Free Version AGAIN , but on Drive Z:

I just noticed that the File Version Dates differ between MBAM & MBAMGUI as follows, on both Drives C & Z.



Is this a problem ?

Also, is there any advantage (security wise) to uninstall both Installations, then reinstall only to Drive Z, ie, would it stop potential threats from disabling MBAM by it being on Drive Z ?

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Greetings :)

Those files are separate executables, so the file versions will often differ. Those version numbers are correct. Also, installing MBAM on a different hard drive would do nothing to protect it from being disabled. Infections that disable security software disregard file paths and often attack active processes in memory and the registry to disable your security software.

I'm also not sure that both of your MBAM installations will actually now work. I suspect the first installation you did (on C:) will likely now be broken due to the file paths being registered/overwritten in the registry with Z: as the path.

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Thank you for the info. Properties for the MBAM desktop Icon point to z, and I just ran a successful update and scan.

Since it makes no sense to have it on another partition, I should uninstall, then reinstall on dirve c: ?

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